Completed Projects

Okanagan Correctional Centre Project

Completed September 2016
As part of the Province’s commitment to green and energy efficient buildings, the correctional centre was designed to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification.
The addition of 60 beds and the completion of the sixth and seventh floor at Vernon Jubilee Hospital Polson Tower, which were originally set aside with future patient needs in mind.
The IHSC Project included a new, four-storey, 12,970 square-metre (139,590 square foot) Interior Heart and Surgical Centre, which houses the permanent cardiac program.
The Oak Bay High School and neighbourhood learning centre provides a modern, integrated learning environment that serves students as well as the entire Oak Bay community.
The Wood Innovation and Design Centre (WIDC) is a centre of excellence for wood innovation, design and product diversification to expand the use of wood in construction and innovative wood product manufacturing.
The SFPR, approximately 37 km long, is a four-lane, 80 km/hr route along the south side of the Fraser River, extending from Deltaport Way in Southwest Delta to 176th Street.
The project included a new Port Mann Bridge, widening of Highway 1, upgrading interchanges and improving access and safety on Highway 1 from the McGill Street interchange in Vancouver to 216th Street in Langley.
Construction of a high-security, state-of-the-art 216-cell expansion to the existing Surrey Pretrial Services Centre, together with associated renovations to the existing facility. The new facility is located in Surrey, B.C.
The BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North is part of the overall Northern Cancer Control Strategy, a joint initiative undertaken by PHSA, BCCA and Northern Health.